2010年3月28日 星期日

The Water :A Short film starring Cillian and Feis

Kevin Drew's short film starring Cillian and Feist is back, as part of the online Portable Film Festival. I've embedded it below:

影片介紹:The Water
by Kevin Drew/Anthony Seck
Short Film / 2 comments / 11 ratings / 841 views

that's right~就是那個Kevin Drew(Broken social scene),還有那個Feist跟那個Murphy
似乎我們的blog框架有點窄,按圖示的full screen或是大家還是連到官網上去看寬螢幕~

故事介紹:The Water is a film that explores the past, present, and future of a family over 24 hours. Set in the middle of a cold beautiful winter it explores the complex and intimate dynamic between loved ones and loss with regret and anticipation.
The Water's story, told like a visual poem unfolds in silence, in the faces of the characters and in the beauty of music, leaving questions about death, life and love.

順便也跟大家介紹 portable film festival
